Tuesday 27 March 2012

Ident Research

An ident is a short animation that culminates with a channel’s name/logo, usually used to brand a company. For my film i will be making an ident with my production name to show that it has been made by our media group.

This is an example of a well know ident for 21st Century Fox, this is a good ident as it is very unique so it is easily recognised. It has bold yellow writing which stands out and is easy to read and recognise. When creating my own ident i will keep this in mind and produce it using bold writing making it easy for people to read.

This is the BBC SPORT ident, this is a good ident as the font is easy to read and the white stands out well on the blue background. This is easy to recognise as well as because of the colour scheme and the font style and colours no other companys have any idents like this. From this ident i could influence my ident by using a patterned background or a background with a gradient in it to make it unique so people will recognise my ident easily.

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