Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation Question 1.

Evaluation Question 1 -  1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

KF1 - Location, For our location we used a local UK police station to give the effect that our man has had a criminal past and this will give our viewers an insight into the mans background. Police stations, prisons and the legal system are often a focus for thrillers, for example The Shawshank Redemption where prisons are used.
This is an image from the film The Shawshank Redemption, including a prison setting.

KF2- Props, For our film we used a number of props, for example we used a students school bag for our girl to show this is what a typical student would have when leaving school at the end of the day. This makes our girl look more realistic and as if she had just come from a long day at school and is leaving for home. We also used a letter in our film, this is to show that when the step dad is arguing with the girl that she has done something wrong and has had a letter from the school about her bad behaviour and the step dad is not happy with this. 

KF3-4 - Camera shots, During our film we used a range of different camera shots. In KF3 we have zoomed in on the sign of the side of the school, this is to show the viewers where we are and what the name of the school is and to also show that this establishment is also a state comprehensive school. This also sets the scene to the next shot, in KF4 this is showing that we have focused on the sign on the side of the building then we have zoomed out into an establishing shot of the school to set the scene, it is also zoomed out so then we can fit the characters in the shot and can carry on the scene.

KF5- Titles and ident, For our film we have created an ident and main titles, the title "SINS OF THE FATHER" is in a bold white font on a black background which makes it easy to stand out, we have chosen a black background because the end of the film fades out to black and this creates a good effect as the title comes straight on the screen. We have chosen a typewriter effect to drag out the suspence which we created during the film and to leave the viewer wanting to watch the end of the film. We have created an ident and put this at the start of the film, this is also white writing on a black background with an effect to make it look more professional and interesting for the viewer. Our company name is DOMINO PRODUCTIONS and our effect links to this and it could relate to dominos, our ident is unique and would be very easy to recognise when compared to other idents.

This is a well know ident for many films - 20TH CENTURY FOX TELEVISION. This ident is simple yet effective as it is well known for its image and background music.

This is the titles from the thriller " THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION " These titles are similar to our film titles as they have the same colour scheme.

KF6- Effects, We used many effects in our film for example in our flashback scene we put a sepia effect over the film to create an old fashioned effect so our viewers know that the scene is a flashback and is in the past, we also used a fade in effect into our flashback so that people realise that it is in the past and its a flashback. We put a textual overlay on to the beginning of the flashback to show that this piece of footage is from 10 years ago, to inform the viewers that the girl in the flashback is the girl at the beginning of the film but a younger version.

This is a shot from a old film called "Wild Harvest' set in the 1947, in the 1940's sepia was a popular effect for films but is not very common in recent thrillers today, because sepia is related with the past we have used it for our flashback so people can relate to this and they will feel more like our film has gone into the past and is a flashback.

KF7-8- Introducing characters, we have a long shot of our character coming out of a police station, this makes the viewer already imagine his background, making people think he has a criminal past or had been in prison. This single shot means we don't need to devote more time of our film explaining the characters background.

KF9- In this frame the stalkers face is not shown, this is a convention used in thrillers frequently. This is to create mystery and tension as the audience does not know who the stalker is. By hiding the persons face this makes the scary

This is a shot from "The Strangers" they have masks, on by hiding their faces this keeps the characters anonymous, meaning it keeps a barrier between the audience and the characters.


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