Wednesday 15 February 2012

Location Research

This is our location research for our film, there are many different locations we could use for our film for example in a house, or in the woods. All these different locations create certain atmospheres for a film, we are using a school for our film idea as it can be easily used, and also a house for a flashback scene or a small cell like room< we are also doing an establishing shot of a prison, we are thinking of using Bloxwhich Prison as is it near and has been able to allow people to film there before, this would be our establishing shot during our film. In thrillers many locations are usually used, some of these include, houses, hospitals, woods, forests, schools and many other buildings.

These are some images of locations from thrillers.

This is an image of Bloxwich police station which we will be using in our film.

The pros of using this location is that it sets the scene for people and makes them think that someone in our film has been in prison, it is easy to access, and we are able to film here.

The cons of using this location is that there may be background noise as traffic goes past, and also people walking by may get in the shot and could get in the way of the public.

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